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The Adonis Abs and Arms Assault is one of six Booster workouts designed to fine-tune small, weak or lagging body parts.

Do you want bigger arms? A better biceps peak? Fuller triceps?

Frustrated with your abs and obliques?

Every guy wants great arms. Arms are a visible sign of strength and masculinity. They look great, they send an awesome signal to prospective partners, and they really put the finishing detail to a well-rounded muscular physique.

And the power of a flat, deep set of abs is undeniable. Nothing says "this guy works out harder than you" than a great midsection.

Our Abs and Arms assault uses advanced muscle building techniques and clever workout strategies to force extra growth into your arms, attacking both the biceps and triceps for a full, pumped look. The Abs section of this advanced download will flatten and strengthen your midsection to build the kind of deep abdominal definition which looks as good under a tight shirt as it does without any shirt at all.

Download Abs and Arms Assault now for a 4-week workout program dedicated to bringing your arms and abs in line.


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