"As a immersion client, every single penny I spent especially on the UNCENSORED Podcast is gold."
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Reactions in the Adonis Lifestyle Community about the Adonis "IMMERSION" FREE TRIAL...
"One of the biggest benefits of the immersion package is the vast amount of audio recordings it gives you access to. Going into it I though I was fairly well informed about all things diet and nutrition related, but after making my way through the UNCENSORED I realized how little I actually knew. Listening to those recordings is like taking a several college level courses on fitness. If you ask me that alone was worth the price of admission."
"So far purchasing immersion has been a very positive experience. i like the fact that the guys have offered a payment plan for those of us who can't shell out hundreds of dollars at once. the UNCENSORED podcast and teleseminar have been a tremendous help as far as information. they've helped me discard a lot of the beliefs i had which now i realize don't make any sense at all. they also helped me understand how dieting works and how to keep at it the smart way and not crash like it's usually the case with all diets. I do not regret purchasing Immersion at all."
"Just bought Immersion.... No turning back."
"What made me do it is that all of their stuff has been spot on. Straight up honesty. No gimmicks. No BS. I respect that and resonate with their philosophy more than most. It's sustainable, minimal stress, and long term. In the end, it just made sense.... It's still a little weird to think about how much I've progressed along in my journey but coming from where I was up to now, there is just no possible way to argue with the results. (Down 90 lbs.,)
Also, the new insights presented are not just limited to health and fitness but are also very applicable to many other situations; new perspectives and mental models. I appreciate that what they offer is not just knowledge but true wisdom. Very hard to find that these days."
"All in all I think this was a great offer. It might seem like a big investment when you look at the full price, but if you think about this includes everything you will ever need to achieve that ideal physique and you never have to pay another dime for any other workout or podcast.
The podcasts alone will make it worth the asking price, especially if they do keep the promise and keep putting them out each year (and us immersion-ers get them forever)."
"I just went for it I’m in for life lol."
"I sort of stumbled my way into being an immersion customer as there was a one month trial with my original AL workout purchase.
After sampling a number of uncensored podcasts, and reflecting on the money I've already started to save by abandoning superfluous supplement products this past year, I went for the up front option.
If you pay for stuff like supplements, Dexa scans, eBooks or professional trainers, then this is probably one of the smarter options for your spend among the many choices out there."
"As a immersion client, every single penny I spent especially on the Uncensored Podcast is gold. I have yet to finish season 1 but, but so fat it was pure gold information to heart. In the first place, I originally purchased it to obtain the rest of the advanced workouts instead of buying them individually. But Immersion is more than just saving money on workouts, altogether I know I made the right decision. I will never look back. The last podcast had me thinking a lot on what is the next step. My thinking has changed since I have gained but nothing simplicity of the truth. Overall, it's a great investment for the future for all the AI products without having to worry to spend another penny ever again."